Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II

For those who have read a few of my posts about Haitian classical music, you may have known that I do not write sonatas, concertos, or symphonies. My approach in this genre has been rather particular. Pieces I have written for a quartet fall under the “Chantrèl” category, those written for a philharmonic orchestra, under “Mizkla”–Mizik Klasik Ayisyen (Haitian Classical Music) and the real innovation is “Sètfwasèt” (7 by 7.) Pieces written for a septet fall under this category. This septet is divided in 2 quartets–Lead Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass and Lead Violin, Violin II, Viola II and Cello II.

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon, No. II is my latest composition. I just want to bring Haitian Classical music to a contemporary level where maybe one can talk about “the modernization of Haitian classical music,” not that conventional techniques are not being used but rather because the emphasis is strong put on the endemic elements of our music with this dissonant tone which is authentic to it.

Please, enjoy!

Pic of the book.

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon, No. II, Movement I to V
Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II, Movement VI and VII

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II, Movement I to V

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II, Movement VI and VII
[haiku url=”http://gifrants.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/8-SÈTFWASÈT-KONBINEZON-NO-II-Move-1.mp3″]

P.S. Because of limited capacity for uploads, this piece has been divided in 2.

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