Memories of my youth, specially the sweetest ones remain vivid in my mind and move me still when they flash in front of me. When I was 16, I and my girlfriend decided one day to go to Poirier. It is a small and quiet beach located next to Bande du Nord, in Cap-Haitien, just before Cormier Beach. At that time, there no was no road but a trail that takes you there. In the middle of the woods , we could hear that “hounsi” voice sneaking through the whisper of the leaves of the trees and singing a very mesmerizing song. We followed the echo of that angelic voice and hidden in the bushes, we could see that woman seating on a rock next to a water-spring, singing while she was washing her clothes. I and my girlfriend were shivering from a quiet joy as we stood there in silence listening to this “zin” (goddess of the river) for at least ten minutes. Unforgettable moment of the past, serendipity that comforts the soul!
I have tried to convey the emotions of that marvelous experience in the following classical piece—Kantik Nan Fon Bwa. Please, click here to listen