Sètfwasèt” or “7 by 7”, defines pieces written for a septet which is divided in 2 quartets—lead violin, violin, viola, cello and lead violin, viola, cello, double bass.

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. I — $ 50

(The audio file of this piece has been divided in 2 because of the maximum bytes upload allowed by our site)

Konbinezon No. I, Mouvman I-III

Konbinezon No. I, Mouvman IV-VII

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II — $ 50

(The audio file of this piece has been divided in 2 because of the maximum bytes upload allowed by our site)

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II, Movement I to V

Sètfwasèt, Konbinezon No. II, Movement VI and VII

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